

飛亞旅行社提出深度文化旅遊服務,讓台灣人成為最美風景,揭露台灣國寶匠人,重新定義匠生活概念。內斂熱情重新定義「大人的旅遊體驗」,滿足渴望對話的族群。品牌形象以抽象 logotype,融入台灣元素,打造充滿文化底蘊的匠生活 2.0。


✦ 專案概述:結合旅遊,重新定義「文化與匠人」的概念。

✦ 受眾分析:渴望透過旅行與自己對話的族群,大人的旅遊體驗。

✦ 受眾分析:渴望透過旅行與自己對話的族群,大人的旅遊體驗。

✦ 受眾分析:渴望透過旅行與自己對話的族群,大人的旅遊體驗。

✦ 品牌形象:透過沈穩、內斂熱情的色彩組合傳達對文化和優質旅遊的追求。

✦ 品牌形象:透過沈穩、內斂熱情的色彩組合傳達對文化和優質旅遊的追求。

✦ 品牌形象:透過沈穩、內斂熱情的色彩組合傳達對文化和優質旅遊的追求。


Brand Idenity

Web Design


飛亞旅行社股份有限公司 MyTaiwanTour









在品牌形象上,除了拋棄具體的象徵,選擇了抽象的中英文 logotype。同時,融入了富有台灣味、代表匠台語讀音「SAI」的元素,使其成為一個象徵。同時,透過極簡、留白的哲學和沈穩的色彩組合,打造了匠生活2.0,賦予品牌充滿文化底蘊和內斂熱情的個性。


A Journey Worthy of You

"When they designate Taiwan's people as its most captivating facet, we elevate them into the country's most enchanting scenery."

This sparks the emergence of 'Saiology' during the pandemic – a tourism brand that unveils hidden artisans, marking a significant milestone in Taiwan's tourism history.

As the pandemic subsides, Saiology expands its reach to Japan, renowned for its artisanal traditions.

This shift also redefines 'artisan' as individuals who pursue extraordinary experiences in everyday life, rather than solely skilled craftsmen.

Guided by their marketing strategy, we reposition Saiology as 'A Profound Travel Experience,' catering to discerning travelers seeking introspection.

To embody this concept, we introduce a logo-centric visual identity that reflects Saiology's cultural essence and understated passion, distinguishing it from other travel agencies.

A Journey Worthy of You

"When they designate Taiwan's people as its most captivating facet, we elevate them into the country's most enchanting scenery."

This sparks the emergence of 'Saiology' during the pandemic – a tourism brand that unveils hidden artisans, marking a significant milestone in Taiwan's tourism history.

As the pandemic subsides, Saiology expands its reach to Japan, renowned for its artisanal traditions.

This shift also redefines 'artisan' as individuals who pursue extraordinary experiences in everyday life, rather than solely skilled craftsmen.

Guided by their marketing strategy, we reposition Saiology as 'A Profound Travel Experience,' catering to discerning travelers seeking introspection.

To embody this concept, we introduce a logo-centric visual identity that reflects Saiology's cultural essence and understated passion, distinguishing it from other travel agencies.

A Journey Worthy of You

"When they designate Taiwan's people as its most captivating facet, we elevate them into the country's most enchanting scenery."

This sparks the emergence of 'Saiology' during the pandemic – a tourism brand that unveils hidden artisans, marking a significant milestone in Taiwan's tourism history.

As the pandemic subsides, Saiology expands its reach to Japan, renowned for its artisanal traditions.

This shift also redefines 'artisan' as individuals who pursue extraordinary experiences in everyday life, rather than solely skilled craftsmen.

Guided by their marketing strategy, we reposition Saiology as 'A Profound Travel Experience,' catering to discerning travelers seeking introspection.

To embody this concept, we introduce a logo-centric visual identity that reflects Saiology's cultural essence and understated passion, distinguishing it from other travel agencies.