Aska Publisher
Aska Publisher
Aska Publisher





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在這個忙碌的世界中,我們都渴望擁有一個屬於自己的寧靜角落,一個讓我們的思緒自由飛翔的天地。飛鳥季社便在這樣的背景下應運而生。自 2013 年成立以來,飛鳥季社的社長就擁有豐富的寫作經驗,曾是知名節目《食尚玩家》的特約記者,同時也是《姊妹淘》專欄的作者,出版了十餘本優質旅遊書。不僅如此,社長還在宜蘭、金瓜石、東京、京都、札幌和小樽等地成功規劃了多家民宿,並擔任過民宿經營的專業講師,累積了豐富的實戰經驗。




Unleashing Ideas is where ideas spread their wings

In this bustling world, we all yearn for a tranquil corner to call our own, a space where our thoughts can roam freely. Since its establishment in 2013, the president of Aska Publisher brings a wealth of writing experience, having been a featured journalist for the renowned program "Gourmet Traveler" and a columnist for "Sisterhood Talk," authoring over ten high-quality travel books. Moreover, the president has successfully curated numerous guesthouses in places like Yilan, Jiufen, Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo, and Otaru, also serving as a professional lecturer in guesthouse management, accumulating rich practical experience.

We've mixed clean lines with a touch of whimsy, blending the imagery of paper and birds from a different angle. It's all about celebrating the magic of knowledge. Each book page is like a playground for ideas, sprinkled with openness and acceptance. We believe that every book is like a bird taking flight, bringing not just knowledge but also a sense of peace and personal growth. Whether you're cruising through words or soaring with images, get ready for a one-of-a-kind experience that'll leave you inspired.

Unleashing Ideas is where ideas spread their wings

In this bustling world, we all yearn for a tranquil corner to call our own, a space where our thoughts can roam freely. Since its establishment in 2013, the president of Aska Publisher brings a wealth of writing experience, having been a featured journalist for the renowned program "Gourmet Traveler" and a columnist for "Sisterhood Talk," authoring over ten high-quality travel books. Moreover, the president has successfully curated numerous guesthouses in places like Yilan, Jiufen, Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo, and Otaru, also serving as a professional lecturer in guesthouse management, accumulating rich practical experience.

We've mixed clean lines with a touch of whimsy, blending the imagery of paper and birds from a different angle. It's all about celebrating the magic of knowledge. Each book page is like a playground for ideas, sprinkled with openness and acceptance. We believe that every book is like a bird taking flight, bringing not just knowledge but also a sense of peace and personal growth. Whether you're cruising through words or soaring with images, get ready for a one-of-a-kind experience that'll leave you inspired.

Unleashing Ideas is where ideas spread their wings

In this bustling world, we all yearn for a tranquil corner to call our own, a space where our thoughts can roam freely. Since its establishment in 2013, the president of Aska Publisher brings a wealth of writing experience, having been a featured journalist for the renowned program "Gourmet Traveler" and a columnist for "Sisterhood Talk," authoring over ten high-quality travel books. Moreover, the president has successfully curated numerous guesthouses in places like Yilan, Jiufen, Tokyo, Kyoto, Sapporo, and Otaru, also serving as a professional lecturer in guesthouse management, accumulating rich practical experience.

We've mixed clean lines with a touch of whimsy, blending the imagery of paper and birds from a different angle. It's all about celebrating the magic of knowledge. Each book page is like a playground for ideas, sprinkled with openness and acceptance. We believe that every book is like a bird taking flight, bringing not just knowledge but also a sense of peace and personal growth. Whether you're cruising through words or soaring with images, get ready for a one-of-a-kind experience that'll leave you inspired.

飛鳥季社Business Card Design
飛鳥季社Business Card Design
飛鳥季社Business Card Design
飛鳥季社 Stationary
飛鳥季社 Stationary
飛鳥季社 Stationary