
台北街頭居酒屋繁盛,但價格高且壓力大。滿腹屋以日式燒肉為靈感,打造親民用餐概念,營造輕鬆氛圍。我們設計了一款無距離感的 logo,為消費者帶來友善的感受,讓每口美食都是幸福的味道,享受生活小確幸!


Brand Idenity









因此,滿腹屋以日式燒肉經驗為基礎,構思了一個更加親民的餐飲概念,旨在為消費者打造一個輕鬆惬意的用餐體驗。這裡的一切設計都圍繞著放鬆與輕鬆的理念展開,圓潤的線條、柔和的色彩,營造出溫馨友善的用餐氛圍。就連 logo 也融入了廚師端上串燒的場景,搭配著幽默風趣的視覺元素,帶給顧客們一份下班後的愉悅感受。



Hiccup Happiness

Walking the streets of Taipei, you'll find bustling izakayas everywhere, beckoning people after work to find a corner to unwind, enjoy drinks, and chat freely. It's not just a place to eat; it's a hub for emotional connections among friends. However, compared to Japanese izakayas, Taipei's can sometimes feel a bit pressure-filled. While the yakitori is delicious, it often comes in small portions at high prices, leaving wallets hurting after indulgence.

That's why the Manpukuya, drawing from the Japanese barbecue experience, conceived a more down-to-earth dining concept aimed at creating a relaxed and cozy dining experience for consumers. Everything here is designed around the concept of relaxation and ease, with rounded lines, soft colors, and a warm, friendly dining atmosphere. Even the logo incorporates the scene of chefs serving up skewers, coupled with humorous visual elements, bringing customers a sense of joy after a long day at work.

We believe every hiccup is a little moment of life's joy, and every bite of food carries the flavor of happiness. Feeling burnout? Let's just enjoy the moments together, living it up!

Hiccup Happiness

Walking the streets of Taipei, you'll find bustling izakayas everywhere, beckoning people after work to find a corner to unwind, enjoy drinks, and chat freely. It's not just a place to eat; it's a hub for emotional connections among friends. However, compared to Japanese izakayas, Taipei's can sometimes feel a bit pressure-filled. While the yakitori is delicious, it often comes in small portions at high prices, leaving wallets hurting after indulgence.

That's why the Manpukuya, drawing from the Japanese barbecue experience, conceived a more down-to-earth dining concept aimed at creating a relaxed and cozy dining experience for consumers. Everything here is designed around the concept of relaxation and ease, with rounded lines, soft colors, and a warm, friendly dining atmosphere. Even the logo incorporates the scene of chefs serving up skewers, coupled with humorous visual elements, bringing customers a sense of joy after a long day at work.

We believe every hiccup is a little moment of life's joy, and every bite of food carries the flavor of happiness. Feeling burnout? Let's just enjoy the moments together, living it up!

Hiccup Happiness

Walking the streets of Taipei, you'll find bustling izakayas everywhere, beckoning people after work to find a corner to unwind, enjoy drinks, and chat freely. It's not just a place to eat; it's a hub for emotional connections among friends. However, compared to Japanese izakayas, Taipei's can sometimes feel a bit pressure-filled. While the yakitori is delicious, it often comes in small portions at high prices, leaving wallets hurting after indulgence.

That's why the Manpukuya, drawing from the Japanese barbecue experience, conceived a more down-to-earth dining concept aimed at creating a relaxed and cozy dining experience for consumers. Everything here is designed around the concept of relaxation and ease, with rounded lines, soft colors, and a warm, friendly dining atmosphere. Even the logo incorporates the scene of chefs serving up skewers, coupled with humorous visual elements, bringing customers a sense of joy after a long day at work.

We believe every hiccup is a little moment of life's joy, and every bite of food carries the flavor of happiness. Feeling burnout? Let's just enjoy the moments together, living it up!