ORANGE BLINKS 從設計發光功能的寵物領巾開始,進而發展成時尚品牌,重新定義人們對待毛小孩的態度。品牌以正式且有趣的形象打破寵物視為玩具或小孩的固有印象,並以深沉的海軍藍色象徵理性和包容的態度。


Brand Idenity








ORANGE BLINKS 的創辦人源於對一隻名叫橘子的流浪狗的熱愛,啟發了他們對於解決流浪動物問題的渴望。從設計發光功能的寵物領巾開始,進而發展成一個擁有獨特品牌理念的時尚品牌。ORANGE BLINKS 的核心價值在於藉由打造寵物相關的時尚與實用產品,重新定義人們對待毛小孩的態度。



Our Journey to Honor Furry Friends

ORANGE BLINKS was born out of a deep love for a stray dog named Orange, inspiring a desire to address the issue of stray animals. Starting with designing illuminated pet bandanas, it has evolved into a fashion brand with a unique concept. At the core of ORANGE BLINKS lies the mission to redefine how people treat their furry companions by creating fashionable yet practical pet-related products.

We discovered that existing pet product markets tend to view pets either as toys or as children, resulting in product designs and brand images that often lean towards childlike themes. We have chosen the bowtie as our primary brand symbol, giving a formal yet playful vibe. Our brand color, a deep navy blue, symbolizes a rational and inclusive attitude.

Our Journey to Honor Furry Friends

ORANGE BLINKS was born out of a deep love for a stray dog named Orange, inspiring a desire to address the issue of stray animals. Starting with designing illuminated pet bandanas, it has evolved into a fashion brand with a unique concept. At the core of ORANGE BLINKS lies the mission to redefine how people treat their furry companions by creating fashionable yet practical pet-related products.

We discovered that existing pet product markets tend to view pets either as toys or as children, resulting in product designs and brand images that often lean towards childlike themes. We have chosen the bowtie as our primary brand symbol, giving a formal yet playful vibe. Our brand color, a deep navy blue, symbolizes a rational and inclusive attitude.

Our Journey to Honor Furry Friends

ORANGE BLINKS was born out of a deep love for a stray dog named Orange, inspiring a desire to address the issue of stray animals. Starting with designing illuminated pet bandanas, it has evolved into a fashion brand with a unique concept. At the core of ORANGE BLINKS lies the mission to redefine how people treat their furry companions by creating fashionable yet practical pet-related products.

We discovered that existing pet product markets tend to view pets either as toys or as children, resulting in product designs and brand images that often lean towards childlike themes. We have chosen the bowtie as our primary brand symbol, giving a formal yet playful vibe. Our brand color, a deep navy blue, symbolizes a rational and inclusive attitude.