
RainSmith 專注於將雨天轉化為愉悅體驗的生活品牌,主張雨傘是被珍視的生活配件。核心價值為「ENJOY THE WEATHER」,以注重品味和細節的紳士為目標受眾,不僅是雨天必備,更是生活態度的象徵,讓人保持優雅自信,享受生活的美好。


✦ 專案概述:專注於雨具的生活品牌。

✦ 品牌理念:將雨天視為生活的一種態度,一種期許。

✦ 品牌理念:將雨天視為生活的一種態度,一種期許。

✦ 品牌理念:將雨天視為生活的一種態度,一種期許。

✦ 品牌形象:為注重品味和細節的紳士打造的生活態度。

✦ 品牌形象:為注重品味和細節的紳士打造的生活態度。

✦ 品牌形象:為注重品味和細節的紳士打造的生活態度。


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RainSmith 不只是一家雨具公司,更是一個專注於將雨天轉化為愉悅體驗的生活品牌。創辦人深信,雨傘不該只是一件隨手可得的物品,而是一種能夠被愛惜和珍視的生活配件。

從室內凝視窗外細雨縈繞的靜謐景象中汲取靈感,我們創造了獨特的 CI 核心價值 ⎯ ENJOY THE WEATHER。這不僅僅是一句口號,而是我們對生活的一種態度,一種期許。我們希望,無論是晴天還是雨天,人們都能透過 RainSmith 的產品,保持優雅、自信地前行。

我們的目標受眾主要是那些注重品味和細節的紳士。RainSmith 不僅是雨天的必備品,更是生活態度的象徵。不論是在繁忙的都市街頭穿梭,還是在閑逸的郊外林間漫步,RainSmith 都能讓您保持優雅、輕鬆,即使在雨天也能享受生活的美好。


Embrace Elegance, Rain or Shine.

RainSmith isn't just a rain gear company; it's a lifestyle brand dedicated to transforming rainy days into enjoyable experiences. The founder firmly believes that an umbrella shouldn't just be a mundane item but rather a cherished accessory in life.

Drawing inspiration from the tranquil scene of raindrops dancing outside windows, we've crafted our unique core value: ENJOY THE WEATHER. It's not just a slogan; it's an attitude, an aspiration towards life. We aim for people to maintain elegance and confidence, whether it's sunny or rainy, with RainSmith products.

Our target audience primarily comprises gentlemen who appreciate taste and attention to detail. RainSmith isn't just a necessity for rainy days; it's a symbol of lifestyle. Whether navigating bustling city streets or strolling through serene countryside, RainSmith ensures you stay elegant and relaxed, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of life even on rainy days.

Embrace Elegance, Rain or Shine.

RainSmith isn't just a rain gear company; it's a lifestyle brand dedicated to transforming rainy days into enjoyable experiences. The founder firmly believes that an umbrella shouldn't just be a mundane item but rather a cherished accessory in life.

Drawing inspiration from the tranquil scene of raindrops dancing outside windows, we've crafted our unique core value: ENJOY THE WEATHER. It's not just a slogan; it's an attitude, an aspiration towards life. We aim for people to maintain elegance and confidence, whether it's sunny or rainy, with RainSmith products.

Our target audience primarily comprises gentlemen who appreciate taste and attention to detail. RainSmith isn't just a necessity for rainy days; it's a symbol of lifestyle. Whether navigating bustling city streets or strolling through serene countryside, RainSmith ensures you stay elegant and relaxed, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of life even on rainy days.

Embrace Elegance, Rain or Shine.

RainSmith isn't just a rain gear company; it's a lifestyle brand dedicated to transforming rainy days into enjoyable experiences. The founder firmly believes that an umbrella shouldn't just be a mundane item but rather a cherished accessory in life.

Drawing inspiration from the tranquil scene of raindrops dancing outside windows, we've crafted our unique core value: ENJOY THE WEATHER. It's not just a slogan; it's an attitude, an aspiration towards life. We aim for people to maintain elegance and confidence, whether it's sunny or rainy, with RainSmith products.

Our target audience primarily comprises gentlemen who appreciate taste and attention to detail. RainSmith isn't just a necessity for rainy days; it's a symbol of lifestyle. Whether navigating bustling city streets or strolling through serene countryside, RainSmith ensures you stay elegant and relaxed, allowing you to enjoy the beauty of life even on rainy days.