W Hotel

W Hotel 舉辦年度盛事 WED YOUR WAY,以超市購物為靈感,為即將步入禮堂的新人們提供婚宴服務。從邀請函到場景,每個細節都展現超市趣味。新人可自由挑選婚禮元素,營造個人風格,讓 W Hotel 婚禮成最美好時刻。


Visual Design


W Hotel Taipei






W Hotel 為了營造獨特的婚宴體驗,舉辦了一年一度的盛事 WED YOUR WAY。以超市購物的概念為靈感,打造了一場婚宴服務體驗。以 "Shop your way, Shop your love" 為主題,將超市的元素巧妙融入到活動中。從邀請函到場景佈置,每一個細節都展現出超市購物的趣味和樂趣。來賓在入場前即被引導進入一個充滿驚喜的世界,期待著在 W Hotel 與眾不同的婚禮體驗。



Love Supermarket: Crafting Your Dream Wedding Experience

W Hotel, in its quest to create an unforgettable wedding experience, hosts the annual extravaganza, WED YOUR WAY. Drawing inspiration from the concept of supermarket shopping, it has curated a wedding service experience like no other. With the theme "Shop your way, Shop your love," it seamlessly integrates supermarket elements into the event. From the invitations to the venue decor, every detail exudes the fun and joy of supermarket shopping. Guests are guided into a world of surprises even before entering, anticipating a unique wedding experience at W Hotel.

Our carefully designed invitations embody the concept of supermarket shopping, offering a glimpse into the event's contents and highlights. In this event, couples can freely select their favorite wedding elements, just like picking desired items in a supermarket, allowing each pair to find their own wedding style, making their big day the most beautiful moment of their lives.

Love Supermarket: Crafting Your Dream Wedding Experience

W Hotel, in its quest to create an unforgettable wedding experience, hosts the annual extravaganza, WED YOUR WAY. Drawing inspiration from the concept of supermarket shopping, it has curated a wedding service experience like no other. With the theme "Shop your way, Shop your love," it seamlessly integrates supermarket elements into the event. From the invitations to the venue decor, every detail exudes the fun and joy of supermarket shopping. Guests are guided into a world of surprises even before entering, anticipating a unique wedding experience at W Hotel.

Our carefully designed invitations embody the concept of supermarket shopping, offering a glimpse into the event's contents and highlights. In this event, couples can freely select their favorite wedding elements, just like picking desired items in a supermarket, allowing each pair to find their own wedding style, making their big day the most beautiful moment of their lives.

Love Supermarket: Crafting Your Dream Wedding Experience

W Hotel, in its quest to create an unforgettable wedding experience, hosts the annual extravaganza, WED YOUR WAY. Drawing inspiration from the concept of supermarket shopping, it has curated a wedding service experience like no other. With the theme "Shop your way, Shop your love," it seamlessly integrates supermarket elements into the event. From the invitations to the venue decor, every detail exudes the fun and joy of supermarket shopping. Guests are guided into a world of surprises even before entering, anticipating a unique wedding experience at W Hotel.

Our carefully designed invitations embody the concept of supermarket shopping, offering a glimpse into the event's contents and highlights. In this event, couples can freely select their favorite wedding elements, just like picking desired items in a supermarket, allowing each pair to find their own wedding style, making their big day the most beautiful moment of their lives.